Friday, September 23, 2011


                    We love being creative learning our weekly spelling words!

LIA Students

Our school is so lucky to have high school students (Latinos In Action) come into our class twice a week and help tutor 2nd graders.   Thank you North Ridge High School!

Do you like PICKLES?

                               Our class had a lot of fun learning about graphs!
                                                     We learned about:
                                                      LINE GRAPHS
                                                    VENN DIAGRAMS
                                                        PIE GRAPHS
                                                       BAR GRAPHS

4th Grade Buddies

           Every Monday we read to our 4th Grade Buddies!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mr. Skelton

Our class was very lucky to have our new vice principal Mr. Skelton come into our room and read us a story!   It was fun and very interesting to listen to what teachers do after their students go home for the day!  :)